

An ethical and effective approach to online schooling

Joining our Online School Community gives your child access to educators who care deeply about meeting these ideals.


Direct 1 on 1 access with real teachers as mentors and collaborators in your child's academic and personal growth.


Multi-medium and individually curated learning opportunities.


An approach to online schooling that purposefully avoids Zoom fatigue and motivates intentional time away from screens.


A community inspired thrive Ambassadors program encourages your child's extra mural interests and sports commitments.


Access to hybrid attendance options at our Hubs to allow for a balance of socialising and focused learning opportunities.


Collaborative and attentive parent communication.


Intentional social engagement and integration with the whole thrive community through our Hub based extra murals, Minecraft gaming server and school camps and events.

A thriveONLINE day includes the following contact points with their teacher:

Morning Roll Call

Morning Roll Call

This is a communal time where your child will spend time connecting with their teacher and classmates for the day. They will have an opportunity to share any blockers or support needs they have for the day, and engage in class social activities.

2 brief 1 on 1 Check-ins

2 brief 1 on 1 Check-ins

These quick chats allow the teacher to monitor your child’s progress through their tasks for the day, and schedule any support calls needed for more intensive teacher support.

Support Calls

Support Calls

Students can request 20 to 40 min support calls to work through projects or problems as they feel the need. Teachers will also schedule support calls when they feel there is a need for teacher support. Support calls are designed to offer effective and purposeful teaching into exact areas of need, and avoiding long lecture style sessions that lead to zoom fatigue. A student might require several support calls in one week, and only a couple in the next week.

Discussion Based Assessments

Discussion Based Assessments

Part of your child’s continuous assessment process is a discussion with their teacher about their work. This allows their teacher to observe actual learning and weigh in on the module mark based on those observations. This also gives your child an opportunity to develop their professional communication skills.

Closing Call

Closing Call

Teachers take the time to reconnect with the whole class together at the end of each day. This is an opportunity for your child to raise any challenges or blockers from that day and request support calls they may need. Their teachers also use this time to encourage the students to share how they are feeling.

Ongoing Text Communication

Ongoing Text Communication

Teachers and students are in direct contact via a chat program throughout the school day. The students develop essential skills in asynchronous communication, and learn from experience how the essential skill of communicating requests with clear context over text.

Lifeschool Feed

Glance into our school culture


Project Noordhoek Beach Clean Up


Taking the reigns to represent team thrive


Planting our forest of HUBs


A special Friday at the NHK HUB 🍩